Monday, September 5, 2011

It was hot last week, 109 degrees anywhere inland and flat.  And however great the eastside is, if you don't live up the hill, you are inland and flat. I like the heat, I like the sauna.  But I also like it for its contrast to the perfect SoCal weather. Perfect SoCal weather = warm, on the edge of hot during the day, and then a drop off in evening air temp that makes you get your sweater... add, just a little wind or rain to wash the sky clear.

It was one of those days, one of the first few of the season.

I slept late, woke up happy *sandwiched in on the second day of a three day week-end*, and made coffee. I talked to my sister on the phone and went to Missy's yard in Silverlake  The champagne and cupcakes were extraordinary- but we also got the gratuitous rainbow, lavender sunset
and then, rare thunder and lighting.

I am glad I was listening to music and_ awake, to hear the rain. Its a very good Los Angeles day, 3 am, the rain stopped. Its so quiet, except for the idle sound of a skateboard being flipped up against the wet curb.